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Cargo Ops - F1 2024 - Miami

£ 4.99 GBP
MSFS 2020

Choose between the iconic Boeing 747 or the state-of-the-art Boeing 787 as the Captain. Each aircraft offers a unique flying experience with 10 meticulously crafted liveries, representing all Formula One teams for the 2024 season. Whether it's the B747 or the B787, proudly showcase your team affiliation with liveries capturing the essence of each racing entity. Your job will be to deliver critical equipment to the race, return equipment back to the Team's base for post-race inspection, or fly to the next race venue with equipment from the previous race.

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Product Features

Product Features

10 Routes

From 10 Routes, 10 Teams and 2 Aircraft Types, this Cargo Ops pack provides 80 different Scenarios.

Mission Variety

With an impressive selection of Missions to choose from, this Cargo Ops pack offers an unmatched level of variety.

Team Variety

Whether you are a Red Bull fan, a Mercedes fan, or have that sweet spot for Ferrari, this Cargo Ops pack gives you the choice of which Team to fly for.

Flight Layovers

As you're flying heavy cargo equipment, some of those lengthy flights require a layover. We have gone ahead and planned those scenarios for you, so you don't run out of fuel of course.

Livery Inclusion

This pack contains 10 custom Asobo Liveries for the B747, and another 10 custom Asobo Liveries for the B787, covering the 10 F1 2024 Teams, by VA Systems for free, which can be reused outside the Mission.

Suitable for all levels of experience

We believe the end to end experience suits pilots of all levels, as long as you have a basic understanding of how the B747/B787 operates.

Product Notes

This Product can be accessed via the VA Systems In-Game Panel for an enhanced experience, for free.

This product uses the Asobo default Aircraft. To use with third-party Aircraft, access the product via the VA Systems In-Game Panel.

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